
感觉剥夺实验Experiment of Sensory Deprivation概述










Sounds interesting? The experiment is called a sensory deprivation experiment. Let's continue to get more about it.


Sensory Deprivation Experiment

The experiment I mentioned above was done in the 1960s by psychologists. The relevant details are as following:



In 1958 at McGill University, Montreal, Hebb conducted the most detailed experiments up to that date. Volunteer students were isolated in an air-conditioned room. They wore translucent goggles so that they could only see a blur of light. They could hear nothing but a constant buzzing noise and they had to wear long cuffs which meant that they couldn't touch anything. As incentive they were offered $20 for every day they could stay in the room, and each had a 'panic button' which they had only to press to obtain instant relief. They were provided with a comfortable bed and good food.



To start with, the volunteers tended to sleep, but soon they found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate and they developed an acute desire for any kind of stimulation to break the monotony. Many then began to experience startling visual and auditory hallucinations and after a while were unable to distinguish waking from sleeping. Despite the high pay for just lying on their backs, few could last more than two days and the most lasted was five days. Upon release they were given simple psychological tests which showed that their perceptions had become very disorientated – objects became blurred and fuzzy. Furthermore, while under the SD, they were found to be much more susceptible to any type of propaganda.



Note: 图片截自《三分钟爱上心理学》<日>尾形佳晃著。


There are many more such experiments. Another psychologist, J.C. Lilly, had studied sensory isolation in 1956 by immersing volunteers in a tank of lukewarm water.They had face-masks through which to breathe but these also prevented any patterned light from penetrating through. Thus there was little stimulation from light, noise or clothing. Under these conditions subjects became bored and were unable to concentrate, leading in some cases to mental disturbance. The maximum time that any volunteer could last under these conditions was only three hours. Subjects reported feelings of unreality, with a profound loss of identification. They didn't know who they were, where they were, or what was happening to them, and the ensuing feelings of panic forced them all to abandon the experiment.


还有许多此类实验。另一位心理学家J.C. Lilly在1956年进行了感觉隔离实验,他将志愿者浸入充满温水的水箱中。他们戴着呼吸面罩,这既可以保持呼吸,又阻止了光的穿入。这就形成了一个没有光、声音或衣物刺激的环境。在这样的环境下,被试渐渐变得烦躁,而且难以集中注意力,甚至个别被试产生了精神障碍。任何一个志愿者在这个实验中所能坚持的最长时间是3个小时。被试报告说,在实验中,他们产生了不真实感,丧失了识别能力。他们不知道自己是谁,在哪里,发生了什么;而随后产生的恐慌迫使他们退出这个实验。 

In 1959, Smith and Lewty confined volunteer nurses in a silent room to see how long they could stick it. The incentive offered was an equal amount of paid leave for each day they lasted. They were given a comfortable bed and were even allowed to walk about the room. All volunteers who lasted for more than ten hours reported disordered thinking, and two thirds of them reported fear and panic. Some reported body-image distortions such as 'my head was like a spinning cone going away from my body'. Some experienced violent nightmares and fairly acute paranoia.



As we can see, the sensory deprivation experiments in its various forms produces very severe effects, both mental and physical.



Are you surprised at this result? Something that we have taken for granted, for example, tactile and auditory, is so important for our normal lives? You may walk in the noisy and crowded street, or watch movie in the cinema, or read book in the study room, or have a close talk with your lover at home...What would happen if we did not have any senses? I guess that would be terrible. So try to close your eyes, listen to the sounds around you at this moment, and then open the eyes to view the things around you. These are all important things for us to function normally. Please cherish them.



However, does not sensory deprivation have any positive aspects? As we all know, every coin has two sides. Then what is the positive side of sensory deprivation? Before moving forward, let's take a little break and see the definition of sensory deprivation.




Sensory Deprivation

Sensory deprivation(SD) or perceptual isolation is the deliberate reduction or removal of stimuli from one or more of the senses. Simple devices such as blindfolds or hoods and earmuffs can cut off sight and hearing respectively, while more complex devices can also cut off the sense of smell, touch, taste, thermoception (heat-sense), and 'gravity'.



Sensory deprivation facilitates the production of an altered state of consciousness through the reduction of exteroceptive stimulation and/or motor activity [Tart, 1990]. Sensory deprivation functions in a similar manner as meditation; both reduce the perception of external stimulus. Whereas meditation accomplishes this through mental processes, sensory deprivation is a direct manipulation of the environment [Wallace & Fisher, 1991].



According to the extent of sensory deprivation, we divide it into two types: total sensory deprivation and partial sensory deprivation. And according to the period, we could divide it into short-term sensory deprivation and extended sensory deprivation.



Partial sensory deprivation, including changes in patterns and relationships of sensory input, cause a state of relaxation conducive to an altered state. Awareness of one's surroundings remains and hypnagogic activity is likely to occur. A reduction of external stimuli allows an individual to focus inward due to the absence of attending to sensory input. Altering sensory perception allows for a focusing of the mind which in time produces an altered state. Relaxation, time to think without distractions, vivid imagery, and feelings of love and warmth are common experiences [Wallace & Fisher, 1991].



Technically, total sensory deprivation is very difficult to achieve [Auerbach, 1996]. However, in severe deprivation environments noticeable differences emerge. White-out conditions, prolonged isolation, or a highly structured environment intensifies the altered state experience. If brain stimulation from sensory inputs is eliminated or greatly altered the brain begins to "fill in"/compensate for the change. Hallucinations likely result; all perceptual experience is being drawn from internal sources. Loss of identity, difficulty meeting basic survival needs, apathy, and depression have been known to occur in a total sensory deprivation environment. Research subjects typically find the experience intolerable within only 4 days [Wallace & Fisher, 1991].




From the above introduction, we might wonder whether an appropriate extent of sensory deprivation could help people achieve deep relax which is the basic requirement of treatments for many mental diseases.



That was some psychologists thought and did, and they did even better. They found a type of therapy called REST.




Dr. Lilly refined his technique between 1960 and 1970, allowing subjects to float freely in an Epsom salt and water solution contained within a dark soundproof chamber. The solution was warmed to skin temperature so that the person would not react to cold or heat.



From his experiments, Lilly determined that such external stimuli as gravity, light, sound, and touch accounted for 90% of the central nervous system's workload. Although extended sensory deprivation could be harmful, extended sensory overload could also have detrimental effects on a person's mental and physical well-being. By reducing excess stimuli appropriately, he could actually lower stress levels.



Drs. Peter Suedfeld and Roderick Borrie of the University of British Columbia began experimenting on the therapeutic benefits of this technique in the late 1970s. However, they renamed the technique Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) or, more appropriately, Floatation REST.


British Columbia大学的Peter Suedfeld博士和Roderick Borrie博士在1970年代末期开始研究感觉剥夺方法的治疗好处。然而,他们对这一方法做了重新命名,叫做限制环境刺激疗法(REST),或者更为恰当地说,叫做漂浮式限制环境刺激疗法(Floatation REST)。

Since that time, several studies have been conducted on the benefits of Floatation REST, as well as other forms of REST. The consistently positive findings of these studies have led to the incorporation of Floatation REST into physical and mental health care programs, as well as fitness training and professional sports medicine. It has been used to treat drug and smoking addictions, lower back pain, and other conditions associated with excessive stress. Currently, floatation centers can be found in major cities in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.


从那以后,有好几项研究都对Floatation REST以及其他形式的REST的治疗益处进行。这些研究所得出的积极性结果使得Floatation REST纳入到了身心健康项目,以及体能训练和专业运动医学。REST已经被用于治疗药瘾和烟瘾、腰腿痛以及其他与压力过大相关的问题。目前,在亚洲、澳大利亚、欧洲和北美主要城市都可看到漂浮中心的身影。 


❤Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy

There are two basic methods of restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST): chamber REST and flotation REST. In chamber REST , subjects lie on a bed in a completely dark and sound reducing (on average, 80 dB) room for up to 24 hours. Their movement is restricted by the experimental instructions, but not by any mechanical restraints. Food, drink and toilet facilities are provided in the room and are at the discretion of the tester. Subjects are allowed to leave the room before the 24 hours are complete, however fewer than 10% actually do.


REST有两种基本方法:Chamber REST和Flotation REST。在Chamber REST中,被试躺在完全黑暗的隔音(平均80dB)房的一张床上,持续24个小时。他们的活动受到实验指示的限制,但没有任何机能方面的限制。吃饭、喝水和上厕所,房间里都有相应配备,而且都在测试仪的监控下。在24个小时之前,被试也可允许离开,但只有不到10%的人的确这样做了。 

In flotation REST , the room contains a tank or pool. The flotation medium consists of a skin-temperature solution of water and Epsom salts at a specific gravity that allows for the patient to float supine without worry of safety. In fact, to turn over while in the solution requires “major deliberate effort.” Fewer than 5% of the subjects tested leave before the session duration ends, which is usually around an hour for flotation REST.


在Floatation REST中,房间内放置一个水箱。水箱将注满与体温同温的淘利盐水溶液,并控制在一个指定的重力状态下,从而可以让患者无忧无虑地在水箱中漂浮。事实上,在此溶液中翻个翻都需要极大的努力才能做到。不到5%的被试提前离开,此疗法通常持续时间在1个小时。 


Note: photo is from Wiki website.

For the first forty minutes it is reportedly possible to experience itching in various parts of the body (a phenomenon also reported to be common during the early stages of meditation). The last 20 minutes often end with a transition from beta or alpha brainwaves to theta, which typically occur briefly before sleep and again at waking. In a float tank the theta state can last for several minutes without the subject losing consciousness. Some use the extended theta state as a tool for enhanced creativity and problem-solving. Spas sometimes provide commercial float tanks for use in relaxation. Flotation therapy has been academically studied in the USA and in Sweden with published results showing reduction of both pain and stress. The relaxed state also involves lowered blood pressure and maximal blood flow.



So let's see the benefits of flotation REST.


所以,让我们来看看Floatation REST的益处吧。


Benefits of Floatation REST

Floatation REST has many physical and mental benefits because it provides an unparalleled level of relaxation. With the elimination of external stimuli, the central nervous system's workload is reduced by as much as 90%. This reduction draws a person's energy inward and promotes relaxation (the parasympathetic response). The parasympathetic response is the mechanism by which the body naturally regenerates itself and maintains chemical and metabolic balance. Old wounds and injuries are allowed to heal faster. Increased T-cell production strengthens the immune system. This deep level of relaxation also benefits the cardiovascular system. Known as the vasodilatory effect, the body's circulation is increased while the blood pressure and heart rate are reduced. Furthermore, the elimination of gravity on the body allows muscles and joints to release tension and heal more rapidly. For this reason, people suffering from musculoskeletal and rheumatic conditions greatly benefit from Floatation REST, as can women throughout the length of their pregnancy .



As the brain relaxes into a theta state, endorphins are released into the bloodstream, reducing pain and fatigue . The increased endorphin levels also promote a general sense of well-being and happiness and therefore increase vitality and further reduce levels of stress and tension. The blood levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are reduced by various body messages, receptor site activity, and organ processes. Combined, these positive effects help reduce the risks of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Stress-related health problems as migraine headache, hypertension , and insomnia are similarly reduced.



The brain, freed of external stimuli, begins working more efficiently. This change provides the floater with an accelerated ability to learn, process information, and use his or her creative mind. This increased level of mental performance and concentration can be carried over into daily life. Equally important, Floatation REST can help with eliminating compulsive behaviors such as alcoholism and smoking . People with psychological and emotional problems as anxiety and depression can also benefit from this therapy.




&nnbsp在一个限制刺激的环境中呆24小时,那些想改变行为的人的自控能力会提高。在贝斯特和聚德费尔德(Allan Best&Peter Suedfeld,1982)的实验中,吸烟者在一个安静的黑屋子的床上躺24小时(可以起来喝水、上厕所),同时听着有关吸烟不利的话。在随后的一个星期内,没有人再吸烟。一年后,2/3的人仍不抽烟,其数量是只听吸烟不利的话而没有限制感觉输入的不再吸烟者的两倍。 


Except the benefits of Flotation REST, we need also to know its precautions and side effects( nearly none) .


除了Floatation REST的益处外,我们也要了解一下它的副作用(尽管几乎没有副作用)和谨慎点。




People suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease , or kidney conditions should consult a physician or family doctor before undergoing Floatation REST. Those who have claustrophobia, certain psychological disorders, or discomfort in the dark may find the treatment unpleasant.


患有高血压、心脏病或肾病的人在进行Floatation REST之前,应咨询治疗师或家庭医生。而那些对黑暗环境有幽闭恐惧症、某些心理障碍或感觉不舒适的人可能觉得此疗法并不舒服。


•Side effects


Prolonged exposure to the Epsom salt solution may cause diarrhea and dry skin. Otherwise, Floatation REST has no known negative side effects.


长时间接触淘利盐水溶液中可能会导致腹泻和皮肤干燥。除此之外,Floatation REST没有任何已知的不良副作用。